CMBM & Affinity Education: Facilitating active learning spaces

Aug 24, 2023 | Building services, Case Studies, Childcare

Client: Affinity Education| Location: Gulliver, Townsville

As a reputable childcare and early education provider with over 225 locations across Australia, Affinity Education understand the importance of keeping the centres well-maintained and visually comfortable for staff, children, and parents.  To assist with this, CMBM were engaged to complete a comprehensive flooring renovation, including furniture removal and site cleaning, for Milestones Early Learning Centre, one of Affinity Education’s centres in Gulliver, Townsville.

CMBM completed the project over just one weekend, avoiding disruption to the operations of the centre.

Read on to discover how we enriched the learning environment for Affinity Education’s Milestones Early Learning Centre with all-new flooring.




Being an active learning space, excessive foot traffic and general wear-and-tear was unavoidable for Affinity Education’s Gulliver centre, and it was determined that safer and more modern flooring was required for responsible upkeep. The provider faced a significant challenge in upgrading the flooring throughout the premises, as works would involve replacing the existing floor tiles and vinyl across several areas, including:

  • Office
  • Staffroom
  • Storerooms
  • Playrooms
  • Sleep rooms
  • Hallways
  • Entranceway

Careful planning and execution were required to ensure minimal disruption to daily operations while works were to be completed.


Floor preparation and removal

CMBM’s team began by clearing the work zones, removing all furniture and items to facilitate easy access to the existing flooring. Floor tiles and vinyl were carefully removed and responsibly disposed of during this process.


Surface grinding and prepping

To guarantee the durability and longevity of the new flooring, CMBM employed surface grinding techniques to remove any imperfections and create an ideal base. This step was vital to ensuring a smooth and even surface for the new flooring.


Topping coat application

CMBM applied a specialised topping coat, enhancing the floor’s resilience and ensuring optimal adhesion for the upcoming installation of plank flooring. The topping coat also provided an additional layer of protection against wear and tear.


Plank flooring installation

CMBM carefully laid down plank flooring throughout the designated areas, ensuring a seamless installation that met Affinity Education’s aesthetic and functional requirements.


Site clean-up and waste disposal

Following the completion of the installation, CMBM carried out a thorough site cleanup, removing any debris or waste generated during the project. The site was left fresh and modern, ready for Affinity Education’s staff and children to enjoy.



Over just one weekend, CMBM Facility Services successfully transformed Milestones Early Learning Centre’s flooring, breathing new life into many areas within the premises. The upgraded facilities have elevated the overall learning experience for staff and children alike, creating a perfect foundation for active learning spaces.

Looking for building services for your childcare centre? Contact our friendly team today to discuss your project, or find out more about how we support Queensland education.

Pictured: Before & after the plank flooring installation throughout the centre

Pictured: New plank flooring in the nursery entranceway and hall (left) and children’s playroom (right)

Pictured: Existing flooring was removed to prepare for the new installation

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