WHSE, Compliance & Sustainability

Safety at CMBM

We understand the importance of risk management, compliance, and safety in order to effectively deliver excellent service to our clients.

As such, CMBM are committed to maintaining our ISO accreditations, legislative compliance and prequalifications to meet the requirements of our clients and their job sites. Prior to undertaking work, we ensure all statutory and regulatory compliance provisions are current and meet compliance checks.

Onsite Safety

CMBM applies a Site Safety Package to every site or project we work on. Whether it’s for a building project, maintenance works, or commercial cleaning operations, you can expect CMBM to have well-established safety protocols in place.

Our safety package will typically include:

  • Site-specific information and contact details
  • Pre-commencement site inspection form
  • Site safety plan
  • Inductions
  • Sign in & out book
  • Daily prestart procedure
  • Forms, SWMS, risk assessments, and other documentation
  • Toolbox Talks and sign-offs
  • Incident Management procedures
  • Chemicals and hazardous substances information
  • Required PPE
  • Relevant procedures for tools & equipment
Risk Management

We undertake risk assessments for all lines of operation within the business. As standard practice, our staff are trained in WHS aspects through inductions and are required to sign off on all SWMS. CMBM have a wide range of products we routinely use to manage risk, maintain compliance, and keep our employees safe.

This includes:

  • Risk assessments and Hazard ID
  • Take 5’s
  • Safety Observation and Interactions
  • Hazard Alert Information Notices and Toolbox Talks
  • Pre-Start Meetings
  • Site specific SWMS
  • Communication Books
  • Sign in/out registers
  • PPE and Site Safety Equipment provisions

Compliance & Prequalifications

To consistently meet our clients’ requirements and ensure the safety of key stakeholders, staff, and the general public, CMBM invest in maintaining our prequalifications and are certified in ISO 45001:2018 Safety Management Systems, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems.

This is supported by our automated management platforms, where we undertake thorough audits, monitor employee performance and site attendance, schedule works from quote to project completion, and much more.

We are also registered on over 40 prequalification platforms used extensively in Queensland, including high-compliance platforms such as Avetta, CM3 and Rapid Global.

What you can expect to see consistently applied:

Well established safety onsite, including barriers, signage & established work zones

Safe systems of work, with employees well trained in applying & following safe working methods

Sign off on respective SWMS, JHAs or Risk Assessments as applicable

Controls in place to reduce risk to 'As Low as Reasonably Practicable' (ALARP)

Provision and use of equipment that is fit-for-purpose

Genuine engagement in Safety and Environmental aspects

What you can expect to see consistently applied:

Well established safety onsite, including barriers, signage & established work zones

Safe systems of work, with employees well trained in applying & following safe working methods

Sign off on respective SWMS, JHAs or Risk Assessments as applicable

Controls in place to reduce risk to 'As Low as Reasonably Practicable' (ALARP)

Provision and use of equipment that is fit-for-purpose

Genuine engagement in Safety and Environmental aspects

Environmental Sustainability

CMBM value environmental sustainability and strive to minimise our impact on the planet where possible, with our service delivery customisable to meet legislative and client-specific requirements.

This includes:

  • Use of ‘green’ environmentally-friendly cleaning chemicals and methods, including microfibre cleaning
  • Risk mitigation through the development and adherence to safe work practices
  • Effective incident management and prevention strategies
  • Environmental protection plans that are focused on recycling, waste management and achieving waste reduction outcomes
  • Accountability and formalised KPI reporting
  • All aspects of safety and the environment

In 2022 CMBM was awarded ‘Environmental Best Practice Company’ by Building Service Contractors Association Australia (BSCAA). We have also achieved Star Partnership with ecoBIZ following our efficiencies achieved in environment and sustainability management across the business.

Enquire with our friendly team

Sales 1800 26 26 37

General enquiries 07 3391 1040

[email protected]