Top 5 Non-Slip flooring solutions

Jul 3, 2023 | Asset Maintenance, Nonslip flooring

Customer and employee safety is the top priority for any business owner. One of the best ways to minimise the risk of slips and falls is by applying non-slip flooring to your premises. CMBM supply non-slip solutions to suit the needs of any business, using the most durable and reliable products developed by GripGuard to keep your staff, customers, and visitors safe. We have compiled a list of our 5 most popular and effective non-slip flooring solutions.


Anti-slip Treatments

Anti-slip treatments are an excellent long-lasting solution for large high traffic areas without visibly changing the floor’s surface. CMBM use GripGuard anti-slip flooring treatment, designed to microscopically alter the porosity and absorbency of the floor’s surface to increase slip resistance when wet.

The perfect anti-slip treatment for stone-based surfaces, such as tile or concrete, GripGuard is best used in outdoor settings likely to be rained on. Its long-lasting and microscopic properties mean no special maintenance or ongoing treatment is required.


Anti-slip Coatings

Anti-slip coatings are an acrylic or water-based floor coating designed for high impact areas, such as retail complexes and hospitality establishments. The coating builds a non-slip film to cover the floor’s surface, meaning it can be customised depending on the needs of your premises. With glossy, matt, and satin finishes available, anti-slip coatings can be applied to all surfaces. Unlike anti-slip treatments, coatings will leave a clear but visible coated layer on the floor.


Grip tape

As an adhesive tape with sandpaper-like texture, grip tape is perfect for adding extra non-slip protection in areas where slips or falls are common, such on stairs, foyers, and uneven surfaces. Grip tapes come in varying levels of grittiness—the higher the grit level, the greater its non-slip properties. Highly popular among skateboarders, grip tape has a wide variety of commercial uses, with many options available, including general-purpose abrasive tapes as well as non-abrasive varieties designed for areas with barefoot traffic.


Safety Anti-Slip Flooring

Safety flooring is a type of flooring tile primarily made of polymer that has been engineered to be slip-resistant. A cost-effective way of eliminating the risk of slips, trips and falls, safety flooring is most often used on floors or ramps exposed to water or other contaminants. Applying safety flooring is a great way to provide cushioning, dramatically reducing the risk of severe injuries from falls.


Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs)

Known as TGSIs, tactile ground surface indicators are a type of textured flooring which provide an extra level of slip resistance. Its primary use is to assist blind or vision-impaired people by providing a tactile aid which they can feel, either with their hands or feet, or with vision impairment aids, to help them orientate their surroundings. Installing TGSIs is a necessary safety precaution for areas with high foot traffic, such as fast-food restaurants and eating establishments, apartment buildings, and public spaces.

Non-slip flooring solutions are the best method for minimising slips and trips. No matter your needs, CMBM provide our customers with the highest quality non-slip solutions to keep everyone in your business standing upright.

To book a complimentary slip test for your premises, contact us on 1800 26 26 37 or at [email protected].

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