5 important specialty cleans to set your club apart from the rest

Jul 14, 2023 | Cleaning, Hospitality, Specialty cleaning

Looking to set your club apart from other hospitality establishments? Ensuring the following cleaning areas are ticked off is essential to maintain a clean and attractive environment for your customers.


1. Carpet cleaning

Professional carpet cleaning is essential for your club as carpet can accumulate dirt and bacteria, which can reduce its longevity and make it unsanitary. CMBM recommend a professional carpet clean at least once a year, with higher traffic areas needing more frequent cleans. Ensuring an annual carpet clean can extend the lifespan of your carpet, improve health and airflow, enhance overall appearance, and reduce odours within your club.


2. Upholstery cleaning

Keeping your cushions, seat covers and lounges clean will maintain their appearance and keep colours bright. Upholstery cleaning can ensure stains, odours, bacteria, dust mites and mould are eliminated and can extend the life of fabric items in your establishment.


3. Disinfection cleaning

Disinfection cleaning has an important role in ensuring your staff and customers are safe in your club. Disinfection cleaning in kitchens and food preparation areas is mandatory in the hospitality industry to ensure food is safe for consumption. The CMBM team use high-quality cleaning products and methods to ensure your premises is disinfected and free from harmful germs and bacteria.


4. Pressure washing

Pressure cleaning areas such as the exterior of your building, carparks, paths and shade sales is important to ensure your premises is presentable and safe for customers. CMBM have professional equipment to take care of all of your pressure washing requirements.


5. Window cleaning

Regular window cleaning and maintenance will ensure your windows are looking great and also prevent damage, protect the air quality, and create an overall clean look and feel to your club. CMBM recommend carrying out professional window cleaning every two months to reduce long-term maintenance costs.

These five areas are vital to ensuring your club is clean and presentable for your customers over the busy hospitality season.

CMBM are committed to providing our hospitality clients with the best cleaning solutions for their business. To discuss how we can help you, please contact 1800 26 26 37 or [email protected].

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